Booking Logistics

Pre Session

Once you have filled out the booking form below, we will begin to negotiate and arrange your session. When we have come to an agreement of what we will be exploring in session, I will ask you to pay a deposit to secure the session. Once the deposit has been received, I will give you information on the dungeon, the address and my contact number to get in touch on the day. 

In Session

When you arrive, I like to have a brief chat to check in with how you are feeling and what you may like to experience. While we will have pre-discussed a session through email, I like to confirm this through a face to face talk on the day. I will show you the play space, and instruct you to strip down. Only then, will we begin our power exchange.

After the Session

It is important that after the session, we take a little bit of time to check in with each other and talk about the experience. I will offer you  a drink of water or tea and we will discuss what you enjoyed and what you might like to experience next time. This process is important so as to avoid feelings of shame and/or disorientation after a power exchange. I will also be available for a call or texts for up to 3 days after the session if you wish to discuss your experience further.